PC Peace of Mind are happy to offer our customers the following services :
Hardware Healing : For when your computer is dead or a pesky peripheral won’t work or it crashes all the time just before you were about to save your work.
Virus Vanquishing : Frequent crashes, unexpected errors, spontaneous connecting to the internet, slow running, unwanted windows appearing and disk thrashing are all symptoms that your PC is badly infected. Get them off and reclaim your PC.
Spam Splatting : If you hate those invasive, unwanted emails as much as we do, let us help you rid your PC of them.
e-mail enabling : Your email used to work and now it doesn’t.
Networking : Getting PCs talking to each other and the internet should be simple. Somehow it never seems to work out that way.
Upgrading : Impartial advice on how to get the best out of your PC.
Or anything else that robs you of Peace of Mind when using your PC.
For more information or to arrange a visit find your local office on the Contact Us page
We look forward to your call or mail.